Barrie Smith ︎ Design & Direction

Hello, I’m Barrie. I’m a creative professional with 10+ years experience leading a small in-house design team, providing creative/art direction, visual design, branding and concept ideation.

Selected works
Design / Art Direction

Design / Branding

Design / Branding

Design / Branding

Design / Branding

Art Direction

Art Direction

Taking Back Friday 

Black Friday is a hugely important event on the Student Beans campaign calendar. Insight brought to light the stress, FOMO and pressure purchases students experience over the Black Friday period. We wanted to create a campaign that was different from the usual Black Friday themes. Inspired by the slogan "Taking Back Friday" a strong identity was developed using bold revolution style graphics with a simple, vibrant colour palette making the students the hero of the campaign.

Initial concept exploration︎︎︎